Why I Avoid Meeting Facebook Girls (With No Exceptions)


I’ve been using Fbook for literally as long as I can remember. Facebook is something that everyone has and it seems like a no-brainer. You should be able to search your area, send a friend request to every hot girl you see, nd hook up with one or more of them. It is possible, but it’s also easier said than done. I’ve been avoiding meeting Facebook girls for years and I’m going to tell you exactly why I avoid them like the plague.

Facebook Girls

Facebook Girls And Why I Shy Away From Connecting With Them

If girls on Facebook are looking for a date, they will go to a dating site or a bar. They aren’t going to be interested in some random guy who sends them a friend request on social media. That is unless, of course, you are gorgeous. If you are an “Adonis” who is popular with the ladies, you will have no problem hooking up with girls on Facebook.

The question is, if you are an attractive guy who is desired by women, why would you pick up women on social media? That’s right, you wouldn’t. Instead, you’d spend time socializing locally with smoking hot women in person trying to take them back to your house.

Sure, your social media can be just like a dating site, but it’s crucial that you have an amazing profile picture that ladies can’t deny. You can lose some weight, consistently exercise, buy some new clothes that are fashionable, and get your pictures professionally shot. The thing is…you can do all those things to better yourself and get more dates just about anywhere you go. You would no longer have to confine your exploits to Facebook. Not to mention, many of the Fbook girls are just tire kickers not actually looking to get laid by some random dude.

You could join pretty much any dating or hookup site and find many women in no time. You could even go out to the bar and have better luck. The point is; anything that you would need to do to hook up successfully on social media, you can do somewhere else and get better results.

Facebook is too much like high school. You have to spend too much time trying to maintain your popularity. Even if you become popular, there are not that many opportunities to turn that popularity into dates. Most of the women are not expecting to hook up with anyone. They come to check their news feed and click on a few of their friend’s pictures and leave. They brag about stupid shit and post pics of their dogs and that’s it. There are far too many other things distracting them and the last thing on their mind is going to be some random guy who contacted them via messenger.

I should also mention that you are also competing with every other creep who stalks Facebook girls. There are creepers looking to friend request every hot girl they can find and yes, they’re your competition. You categorize yourself in with those guys and she will think that you are just another one of the douchebags. At least on an adult dating site, everyone’s looking for a date. Therefore, the women won’t assume that you are a creep.

Questions To Ask Girls To Arouse Them


Look, I’m gonna shoot it straight for you here today. The best way to get to know a girl is to ask her questions. It’s also the best way to bond with her on an emotional level and even on a sexual level. If you ask the right questions, you can turn her on without her realizing it.

Not all of us are smooth with the ladies or know exactly what to say to turn them on. These ten questions will give you all the tools you need to arouse a woman. The key is to get her to talk about herself and her desires. Before you know it, she’ll be giving you the eye and feeling uber horny like never before. The urge to have sex with you will soon follow and she won’t even know why…

questions to arouse a girl

Want To Arouse A Girls? Ask Them These Questions!

I’m not going to waste a single moment here. You need to pay close attention and start asking the right questions if you want to get anywhere today.

What are you passionate about? Getting her to talk about her passions is the best way to get her excited and get her invested in the conversation.

What would be your dream job? This will let you know a little about her goals and aspirations and will continue to excite her and make her want to hear about yours.

If you won the lottery, where is the first place that you would travel to? This question is to maintain the element of fun while making her think about going on an adventure. This is a great state of mind for arousal.

What is it about yourself that you like and dislike? This will help you bond with her and show her that you are interested in her faults as well as her strong points.

What’s your biggest accomplishment of the last year? This will let you know what her priorities are and what gets her excited. This helps you figure out which direction to go with your flirting based on how deep or shallow she is.

What are some things that you find funny? Some of these questions can get heavy depending on her responses. This question will get her smiling and have fun thoughts running through her head once again. Save it for when you need it.

What is the most embarrassed you have ever been? This is another question to keep the mood playful and get her to talk about herself. This is another question you can use if things get too heavy.

What is the thing that most attracts you to a man? This will take the conversation in a sexual direction and gets her to talking about her desires and she’ll think about what turns her on.

Do you have any secrets that you think I would find interesting? This will make her think about being naughty and she will bond with you in a fun way. This could turn into you trading fantasies with her.

What’s the wildest experience you have ever had? This is going to take the adventurous mood you created and take in a wilder and possibly more sexual direction. This may also let you know how naughty she is.

While some of these may seem a bit corny or even basic AF, I’m telling you they work like a charm. There is a reason why I’ve shared them with you. Neither you nor I have time to mess around here. Just ask questions and thank me later once you’ve gotten your jimmy wet. Good luck with all the horny women you start questioning!

Are You Dating A Crazy Girl? Find Out Now!


Sure, crazy girls are awesome in bed and some of them can suck the chrome off a lead pipe, but is it really worth it? I’ve been studying crazy girls for months now and I think I have some information that you’ll want to hear! They’re harder to spot than you think…

You might think that spotting a crazy girl is easy because you have seen many of them, but it’s a different story when you are dating one. She might hide her “crazy” well or you won’t be as likely to notice it if you’re too busy trying to get in her pants all the time. If you don’t notice the crazy before she becomes attached, you are asking for drama. Trust me, that is not a good thing for either one of you. Good news for you is that I’m here to help today. I’m giving it my all to share whatever information I can with you about this crazy topic, pun intended.

How To Spot A Crazy Girl

Signs You’re Dating A Crazy Girl (And Need To Run Like Hell)

Here is a list of 8 major signs that you are dating a crazy girl. This list isn’t funny, so take it seriously. After all, I’m trying to help you improve your dating life, so pay close attention!

She Becomes Overly Emotional (Very Easily) – If she gets overly emotional about every little thing, you should start looking for other signs because she might be crazy.

She Never Finishes Anything – If she is crazy, she will have a hard time keeping her mind on any one thing for a long period of time and she will leave multiple projects unfinished.

The Girl Is Very Animated and Talkative – This isn’t necessarily a surefire sign of insanity, but if she is very social on top of showing a few of these other signs, she’s probably crazy.

Lots of Highs and Lows – This sign often accompanies the third sign. She is very happy and talkative one minute then brooding and quiet the next. She’s a powder keg waiting to blow.

Always Wrapped Up In Drama or Gossip – Every time you turn around, she’s upset about what someone has done or said to her and it often sounds like she is creating the drama for herself and freaking out over little things. Stay away from the drama as it takes years off of your life, I promise you that!

Lots of Followers vs Friends – There are some people who gravitate to crazy people because of their ability to be social and overly happy. These people will have a fascination with her and the way she acts rather than having a true connection.

Always New Friends – She is always starting drama with her friends because of her unstable mind. As a result, she is usually hanging out with someone new who doesn’t realize she’s crazy or hasn’t pissed her off yet.

Lots Of “Do” Talk But Zero Action – She will go on and on about what she plans to do with her life, but she will never make a move to actually do any of the things that she talks about or even start them.

Look, if you want to avoid crazy girls, then you’ve got to ask the right questions from day one!

Different Levels of Whiskey Dick


It has happened to the best of us. Yup, I’m talking about getting whiskey dick. It’s one of the most frustrating and emasculating things that can happen to a guy. We all dread getting whiskey dick.

Sure, your mind is ready to go, but your body is telling you that you have had too much to drink. As a result, it refuses to send the much-needed blood pumping into the shaft of your penis necessary for sexual intercourse. If you notice it’s happening too often, then slow down on the booze.

It’s always best to stop drinking or slow down so your ability to have sex is not impaired. If you’re curious, here are the different levels of whiskey dick so you can catch it before it turns into a wet noodle.

whiskey dick stages

Specific Stages of Whiskey Dick

These are must-know stages for anyone that likes to drink and date local horny females. Whether you’re in college or a grown ass man, you need to read this, NOW!

Communication Breakdown

This is the first level of whiskey dick and one of your only chances to slow down the process and get your blood pumping again. The first time you realize that you are feeling aroused, but your penis is not, it’s time to turn down that next shot and slow down on sipping that beer and hope it’s not too late to recover before your hookup loses the mood.

This Is Not Happening

If there is a communication breakdown between your brain and your penis, you might start to panic and refuse to believe that it’s happening to you. You become frustrated and you drink your beer faster trying to calm down. This is not the way to go and can only make your situation worse. You already have a limp noodle from drinking. If you compound that with emotional stress, you’ll never get it up and you won’t recover from whiskey dick until tomorrow.

Why The F*** Is This Happening To Me?

This level comes after the refusal to believe that you’ve been struck with whiskey dick. It’s not because you’re less of a man. It’s not because you’re losing your sexual prowess. It’s a simple chemical reaction in your body caused by the alcohol that is not letting you function normally and not allowing blood to flow freely to your penis. If you have advanced to this stage, your fight to get inside a vagina is almost hopeless.

It Happened. Might As Well Accept It

You’ve let it go too far now. Your whiskey dick is not going away and it will not be replaced by a rock-hard member any time tonight. It’s time to do damage control. You can either attempt to use oral sex to get her off in place of vaginal sex and hope you don’t pass out. Who knows; if you don’t pass out before you’re finished with oral sex, there’s a good chance that you could sober up enough to shake the whiskey dick and go at least one round before you go to sleep.

Now My Balls Hurt

If you allowed your whiskey dick to get to the advanced level of accepting your fate, the best you can hope for is that your sex partner is going to be down to try it again when you have had less to drink. For now, you are going to have to suffer from blue balls, the final level of whiskey dick. Blue balls occur when your mind gets prepared for intercourse, but your whiskey dick won’t allow you to take action. This can be frustrating mentally, but even more frustrating when it causes physical pain.

Okay, so now that you know all the stages of whiskey dick. I’m going to suggest that you avoid drinking too much all together. Trust me, your sex life will be so much better if you do!

Cheating Facts To Understand When Dating Today


I’ve cheated on many women before and no, it’s not because I wanted to stay in the relationship, it’s just that I wanted to try something new. Finding out that your significant other is cheating is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a relationship. Sure, you feel betrayed and you may feel that there is either something undeniably wrong with your relationship, wrong with you or that a cheater is a bad person. Here are some facts about cheating that may help you put this difficult situation into perspective. Keep in mind that I’ve been on both sides of the coin so I know what I’m talking about here, trust me.

Cheating Facts

Cheating Facts You Need To Know (Whether You’re A Guy or Girl)

Here are some things that you just need to be in tune with.  If you’re not, then you are only cheating yourself. Ha, see what I did there! Clever…anyway, time to get serious. Check these out…

Cheating isn’t just a young man’s game. 

Some think that, if someone is going to cheat, they’re going to cheat when they’re young and virile. That is not the case. Cheating happens for many reasons and a young age isn’t usually one of them. Think of all the older individual’s that end up in fancy hotels having sex with some stranger, it happens all the time!

If you cheat, the relationship is not necessarily over.

There are many couples who survive after one of them is unfaithful. There are multiple factors and it may stem from a fixable problem. With love and understanding, everything may be just fine.

Sometimes, cheating is only about sex. 

If you are not having sex with your partner for any reason, you must consider that as a factor if you catch them cheating. Oftentimes, cheating is a direct result of something as simple as the human need for sexual intercourse.

Sometimes, cheating stems from fixable problems.

Many people cheat because they feel that they are being neglected or taken for granted physically or emotionally. Cheating could be a wake-up call for you to start treating them better.

Cheating doesn’t always involve sex.

You may think you’re safe if you have an emotional connection with someone else and you never let things get physical. Forming a strong emotional bond with someone else when you are in a committed relationship can be considered cheating, even if there is no sex. I honestly wouldn’t consider this but some people do. I don’t know but hey, those are the facts so what am I suppose to say!

Cheating doesn’t necessarily mean a damaged relationship.

Cheating can be a sign of damage in a relationship, but few things are that black and white. The relationship could be fine and the problem could be stemming from personal emotional problems.

Not every guy who cheats is a bad person.

As mentioned above, there are many factors that go into why someone cheats. Some guys are insufferable douchebags who are selfish and want to have sex with anything that moves, but not every guy who cheats is like that.

A strong marriage can survive cheating.

It doesn’t have to be a knee-jerk reaction to give up on a marriage and leave someone forever just because they cheat. If you have respect for your relationship, you will look into what caused it and see if anything can be done to salvage what you once had.

Well, after reading those facts, you’re either in not willing to cheat or you’re possibly curious enough to meet someone online that’s looking to cheat on their significant other. Hopefully, you want to bang horny girls that want to meet and cheat. I typically spare no expense when comes to meeting and getting laid, that’s just how I roll. Which is one of the reasons that I’ve done so well using Uberhorny. You can have the same level of success that I have. All it takes is a little bit of work on your end and you’re good to go!

How To Choose A Tinder Profile Photo (Or Using Any Dating Site)


I don’t typically give people Tinder dating advice but this advice can actually transfer over to any dating profile period. Internet dating has become so popular that it has officially overshadowed going to bars to find a hookup. This is especially true for the mega-popular hookup app Tinder. I’m sure you know by now that Tinder has added premium features, but you can still hook up with horny local singles for free.

Tinder is based on looks and one look at your profile picture will cause a girl to either swipe right if they like you and swipe left if they don’t. Here are the types of photos you should not be posting, followed by the photos that you should. Keep in mind that I mentioned how this same logic goes for other dating sites that exist today. For example, you can apply them to any Uberhorny profile or bio build out that you’d like. Any other approach would be completely foolish.

Tinder Profile Photo Tips

Tinder Profile Photos And What To Post!

Here’s the good, bad, and downright ugly when it comes to Tinder profile buildouts and the use of various types of pictures.

Types of Photos You Should NOT Post

Before we go over the best types of photos you should post to get the girls to swipe right, let’s look at the photos that automatically cause them to swipe left. First of all, forget about that shirtless photo in the mirror you love so much. This is cliché and cheesy. Do not post a bunch of pictures with you and your friends either. Girls don’t want to see how popular you are and they don’t want to try to guess which person is you in the pictures. They want to see you. You should post the best representation of you and here are the best types of photos to post.

Types of Photos You SHOULD Post

These are the types of profile photos that you should think of posting if you want to get lucky via an online hookup site. Pay close attention and take notes if need be, because you’ll be glad that you did if you do!

A Selfie – Yes, a selfie does work pretty well. It might be a bit of a cliché as well, but it shows you up close and personal and you can take several of them in several locations until you get just the right one where you look your best.

Look How Adorable I Am – This photo can be you with a pet or a cute niece or nephew that you are close to. This is one of those photos that prompts them to say “AW!” and it’s more likely that they’ll swipe right.

Look at What I Do for Fun – At least one of your photos should show you doing what you love or something you are passionate about. This type of photo shows that you are a fun person with hobbies that are interesting to be a part of.

Look How Nice My Smile Is – You don’t have to have a big cheesy smile in every one of your pictures, but there should be at least one picture that shows that you are a person with a sense of humor and smiling pictures can be endearing.

Look How Rugged I Am – This is not a must, but it can help to have at least one picture of you being a manly man. It could be a picture of you out hiking in cool mountain scenery or lighting a fire while camping.

Look How Well I Clean Up – This is a big plus in any group of profile pictures. You should have at least one picture of you in some suit or really nice clothes that show how well you clean up. This will make them go “OOH” and swipe right every time

I think at this point you’ve likely got a strong idea as to what’s acceptable and unacceptable from a photo posting perspective! Take the same approach using Uberhorny and you’ll have plenty of online dating success, trust me.

Tinder profile pics

Horny Goat Weed + Dating + Erectile Dysfunction!


Ever heard of horny goat weed? I know, it sounds like something that you’d smoke but it’s definitely not. Men with erectile dysfunction have been getting excited about this for years. This is one of the latest claims of what many consider to be a miracle cure, which is rumored to treat their ED and increase testosterone level. As you may know, ED is a very touchy subject for some men, especially those actively dating. They want to believe that horny goat weed is really everything that they say, but does it really work? Well, the answer is finally here.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed and Erectile Dysfunction!

Horny goat weed works, but it doesn’t work in the way that you may think that it does. It does not give you a fully engorged penis that doesn’t go down for hours like Viagra. You are not going to magically cure your ED by taking this pill. You are not going to experience a spike in your testosterone and become a virile stud that is suddenly ready to have sex all day every day. It may not be a miracle cure, but it can work well for you if you use it right.

The cure for your ED is probably a medical one and should be addressed by a doctor. However, the herbal supplement horny goat weed can definitely give you a stronger erection that lasts longer. It basically boosts your natural ability to have a strong erection. You know how you look down some days and you have a raging boner that seems like it could break a cinder block and other times it’s a bit like a noodle? Well, horny goat weed will give you more days of raging boners, although you shouldn’t break cinder blocks with it, even if it feels like you could.

Another benefit of the supplement is that it gives you more control over your ejaculation. Yes, that means it helps you last longer in bed. It seems to improve concentration and the connection from your mind to your penis. When you are able to better control when you ejaculate, you can last longer in bed and give your partner more pleasure. It can also help you achieve an erection again, after ejaculating, and you will probably be able to go another couple rounds more than you did before. I mean, after all, if you find horny women at the bar and you get them home if you can’t perform well then you’re screwed and not physically!

Horny goat weed certainly works, but it is not a cure for erectile dysfunction caused by a medical condition. This is not medication and it should not be treated as such. If you try to use it to medicate yourself, you will only be disappointed and discouraged that it is not working. If you use it as a supplement, it can certainly enhance your performance beyond what it is now. It basically boosts abilities that are already there. However, it won’t fix the problems that contribute to low testosterone and ED. You should consult your physician for that.

I suggest that you spend time in the gym as well. That alone will help improve your sex life, I promise you that much. Also, if you didn’t know by now, workouts and sex go hand in hand. Trust me, I know because I’m a practicing student myself! Anyway, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

If you take zero action here and you’re having issues then I do not feel bad for you. If you want to improve your casual dating lifestyle, then I suggest you start taking action.

Tinder App Questions and Answers That Guys Have About It


First and foremost, I’m not telling you to start using the Tinder dating app. Not a chance in hell that I’d suggest doing that right of the bat, especially when there are plenty of other horny locals using dating apps that actually work out there today. However,  I’m sure you have questions about Tinder just like so many others out there. Well, the good news is that I’ve got the answers to your questions.

Tinder App Questions Users Have

When the internet became popular, online dating quickly became the leading way to hook up with singles in your area who are looking for a relationship or just a fling. The rise of casual dating sites gave us a place where there was no confusion and we could have casual sex without worrying about wondering whether the other person wanted a commitment or not.

Well, there is one casual dating platform that has risen above most others and become the go-to casual dating platform. Some believe that platform is the wildly popular hookup app known as Tinder. I personally don’t believe that but I’m not here to argue about that. If you are still not sure about what to expect from Tinder, here are some answers to questions you may have.

Questions About Tinder That You Need Answered

Here are the most common questions that people ask me about Tinder and using the app in general. Like I said, I would not personally suggest using Tinder, but those that want to do so, I cannot stop you from taking action. SO…here is some Q & A stuff that you need to understand better.

Does Tinder only work for hooking up or can you find a date as well?

Most of the men and women on Tinder are looking for casual sex, but that does not mean that all of them are. The more popular and widely used the app becomes, the more people use it for other things besides finding someone to have sex with. It is now possible to go on Tinder and find a friend or even someone to date and have a relationship. It all depends on where you search and who is online at any given time. Women will almost always let you know their intentions in their profile.

Why do women use Tinder?

If you want to know exactly what a women’s intentions are when she is using the app, all you have to do is look at her profile. They know that Tinder is mostly for hooking up. If that’s not what they are there for, they will be sure to indicate it clearly in their profile. Whether you are looking for a committed relationship, a fuck friend, or a one night stand, you should always check their profile thoroughly before proceeding with correspondence.

Is Tinder as effective for men as it is with women?

Men are not permitted to message any women on Tinder unless the woman swipes right on them first. This might make you wonder how effective it is for men because they seem to be at a disadvantage. It’s a better place for men than you think. There are so many women in their database that there ends up being a wide range of tastes and sensibilities. The more women you swipe right on, the higher your chances of finding a match and having the opportunity to approach them to hook up. Now, with other more effective apps, you’ll find that quantity doesn’t matter much. It’s all about connecting, messaging, and meeting to bang.

What do you want to get out of your Tinder Experience?

The answer to this question should be clearly indicated in your profile. As mentioned above, women make their intentions clear so there is no confusion among the guys who show interest in them. You should do the same thing. If you are just looking for casual sex, you probably don’t have to say anything. If you’re looking for something less or something more, make it obvious in your profile. No one likes to waste time chit chatting with tire kickers all day long.

What Text Messages Mean (Everything You Must Know)


We all get text messages, but when you get one and don’t know what it means, that’s when you’re in big trouble. Almost everyone in modern society has a mobile phone that keeps them connected with family and friends, but we surprisingly don’t make calls as our main form of communication. Lots of people simply prefer to text others. Some like to send dirty texts while others like to send nude photos even!

Sorry to get excited there, but this can be convenient when contacting someone who is not available. You can just send them a text and they get back to you when they are free. The problem with texts is that they are often misunderstood. Most often, it’s because you can’t see someone’s facial expressions and the nuances of conversation.

What Text Messages Mean From Girls

Some are well aware of the ambiguity of text and use it to be cryptic so they won’t have to come out and say what they really mean. This may come as a shocker but guess what, girls do this A LOT. They give short responses, and you are left wondering what the true meaning is. Well, wonder no more. I have put together a series of texts you might see from a girl and I will tell you what each one really means.

Text Messages And What They Really Mean In Context

Here are some of the simple text messages that you likely get from women over the course of the day or week. Take note, because not knowing them can really screw things up, including your dating life and hookup chances.

“I’ll be there soon. I hit some traffic.” – This probably means that she’s still in front of the mirror fixing her make-up and hair. She’s probably half way through her third hairstyle. Hopefully, you’re waiting at a restaurant that has a bar. Get a drink at the bar and nurse it. Soon means at least 45 minutes.

“Are you awake?” – This is almost always a good sign and you should prepare for some steamy late night sex. Worst case scenario; she wants to talk to you about her problems. Either way, it could turn into a sexual situation if you play your cards right.

She sends a selfie – If she only sends you a picture of herself, that’s a good sign. It means she wants to get your attention and she wants you to think about her. The sexier the selfie, the more likely you are to be on the right track. Make sure it’s not fake before replying. Send her one back, just don’t out-sexy her.

Suggestive emojis – This can be good or bad. She could just be goofing around or this could possibly be a sign of immaturity and this is the only way she can express her sexuality.

“Hi” – This is particularly annoying whether it’s her opening message or a response. At best, it’s not a very interesting text. If it’s a response to your text; she’s showing a clear lack of interest.

“????” – Unless you’re deliberately trying to ignore her; this text means that she’s impatient. If this text is a direct follow-up to one she just sent 5 minutes ago, it’s a sign that she’s not very mature or self-assured.

“Who is she?” – This text is not good, no matter how you look at it. If you’ve been a bad boy, this means you’re caught. If you’re with a girl that’s neurotic and jealous, this means that she’s been stalking your social media and she’s mad because you hit on a female friend’s photo. Never a good situation and thankfully only one that you need to deal with if you’re in a serious relationship. This problem rarely happens on Uberhorny.com.

No response – There is always a possibility that no response is a very bad sign. Don’t jump to conclusions just yet. Give her a few minutes. She might legitimately be away from her phone.

Slide In The DM: Things To Send Direct To Girls You Want


I’m a huge fan of putting in the work upfront. That means I put in work to slide in the DM on the regular. It’s just part of my strategy and I think you’ll agree with me when I say it’s become a necessity of dating today. Much like standard dating, making a good first impression is crucial when you are dating on the internet. If you are approaching a pretty girl on an online dating site, she probably has tons of guys messaging her as well. It’s important that you stand out from the rest, but it’s also important that you approach her in a way that is genuine and not an act because she will eventually see through it. Here are some samples of direct message openers to make a good first impression, no matter what kind of guy you are.

If you are approaching a pretty girl on an online dating site, she probably has tons of guys messaging her as well. It’s important that you stand out from the rest, but it’s also important that you approach her in a way that is genuine and not an act. If not, she will eventually see through it all. That means putting forth the effort to DM girls in a genuine manner. Good thing for you, I’ve got just the tips for you! Here are some samples of direct message openers to make a good first impression, no matter what kind of guy you are.

Slide in the DM

Slide In The DM With These Messaging Tips

Here are some samples of direct message openers to make a good first impression, no matter what kind of guy you are.

Show You’re A Sensitive Guy

Girls like sensitive guys, so try these lines out for size…

You are the most interesting and stunning girl I’ve seen online in a while. I hope you don’t mind that I tell you that.
Sometimes I feel so deeply for all the sadness in the world that I just want to go on a hugging tour. Can I start with you?

Go From Zero To Flirt (One Message)

Flirt your way into her panties. I’ve been doing this for years and it works like a charm! Every day I’m flirting, simple as that.

I won’t say anything cheesy like telling you how beautiful you are. Never mind, I just did.
You can seduce me if you like, but I can tell you now it’s not necessary. I’m hooked.

Show Confidence

So, where are we going to go on our first date? I know this great little restaurant downtown and we can go dancing after.
I’m sure you were about to message me, so I decided to beat you to it. What’s up?

But Be Humble

I don’t know what I did to deserve to come across you, but I’m not going to question it. Let’s talk.
You’re way too hot for me, but I decided to write you anyway. What’s up?

Show That You’re Interested In Politics

Some people lean to either the right or the left, but I think both parties have a lot to apologize for. What do you think?
Our government has become a circus. I’m tired of everyone fighting. Let’s enjoy each other’s company and forget all about it for a while.

Deep Thoughts

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we could unlock even 1% more of our brain capacity?
Are we alone in this universe or is there life in other galaxies? Let’s get together and talk about it.

Current Events Knowledge

Did you see the latest developments in Canada? I don’t think they’re too keen on handing out visas to all these Americans who suddenly want move there.
Why are so many people freaking out about who goes to the bathroom where? Unisex bathrooms have been a thing for years.

Show You’re A Masculine Man

I’ll be honest with you, I watch sports, lift weights, and drink beer. I thought you should know before we go out.
I don’t usually talk about my feelings, but I’m willing to make an exception for you.

Show You Have Coin

Would you like to meet me at the Radiohead concert tonight? I can have a car pick you up.
I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on my new boat, but I think we better get to know each other first.

Now, those are all examples of things you can DM girls if you want to eventually hook up with them or connect virtually at a minimum. Any questions, fire away!